Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Curried Kumara Soup - Vegetarian/Vegan

Curried Kumara Soup

Vegetarian/ Vegan

Kumara makes a wonderfully smooth puree. It has a mild, sweet flavour.
Make it vegan by using soymilk and coconut cream.


2 cloves garlic
1 tsp curry powder
75 g butter
500 g kumara
1 cup water
2 tsp vege bouillon powder
3 cups milk/ soy milk
¼ cup cream or coconut cream

Add the crushed garlic and curry powder to the butter in a large saucepan.
Peel the kumara with a potato peeler and slice into pieces 1cm thick. Cook in the butter for 1 – 2 minutes without browning. Add the water and stock powder, cover and cook for ten minutes until tender. Puree, thinning with milk until it reaches the desired thickness.
Add the cream and reheat, but do not boil.

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