Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Introduction to 'So you have a food intolerance' blog - Vegan, Gluten Free, FODMAP, Vegetarian, Lactose Intolerant?

Vegan, Gluten Free, FODMAP, Vegetarian,  Lactose Intolerant? 

Yes, I know quite a few people who are at least two of these and this doesn't include the nut, banana, cherry, kiwifruit and egg allergies. Not to mention sugar free - all forms of sweetness - dried fruit, maple syrup, stevia etc. I know that being vegan and vegetarian is not usually an intolerance, it is a choice but it still involves food groups that are unable to be eaten so have to be catered for.

My first experience with gluten free was with my mother over twenty five years ago before the gluten free diet was widely known. I think Mum called it the 'Stone Age Diet' back then  - no wheat or gluten - for her stomach issues. A very hard situation in rural Central Otago. There certainly weren't the gluten free products available today.

For many years Mum's 'bread' was buckwheat and banana pikelets that weren't bad when they were fresh and hot but buckwheat flour is quite strong. Eventually there was a bakery in Christchurch that made gluten free loaves and were able to send them to her. They were definitely better than no bread at all but still had a long way to go in the taste department.

Going out was difficult and frustrating as restaurants and cafes struggled to offer an option more substantial than salads and fresh fruit. Nowadays, friands and brownies are often on the sweet menu with a range of fritters, soups, curries and sandwiches made with gluten free bread.

So I have tried to research and adapt recipes depending on who I have been cooking or baking for. With a partner who is vegetarian, gluten free and lactose intolerant, I also hunt for products that he can eat and cafes that cater for him (and me!)

Welcome to my food experience!

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